When starting off to make money online, you'd naturally go the easy way out and just google some "money making online" or "make money online" terms. Its fine, really. But just a few things to note before you actually indulge yourself further into this.
The ways with which you can make money online can generally be categorized into the following :
- Running a business (includes services)
- Marketing (includes affiliates or ebay)
- Web software, Web site
When you're googling the search, be prepared to be faced with tons of ads pertaining to your search. And to tell you the truth, they're more or less the same. Clicking on their link would take you to their sales page whereby they'd show you proof after proof, testimonial after testimonial of their "easy automated make money programs". Well, they dont usually work. So how does one tell a good one from a really automated/generated one? Here's a few pointers to look out for :
- Look out for the proof. Study the images carefully to see if they might have been edited. Or could be.
- Testimonials should include the customers' real name, working site address. Go to that site to see if the money making program is really what it seems to be.
- Video testimonials or proof are a plus, so look at them to see for yourself.
- A "Satisfaction guranteed", "Contact Us" are additional plus that makes the program or business more reliable and trustworthy.
- Read through at least 5 of these sales pages. You'll notice similarities and differences. Choose the one that seems unique to you or if there arent any, then just continue reading here :D
About 50% or more of these programs would be making use of affiliate marketing mainly through the site "Clickbank.com". Clickbank.com is a popular site to make money online easily because it deals alot in affiliate marketing for digital products so affiliates need not worry about shipment/posting problems that might arise or from refunds. Its a simple concept. You sign up, find a product that seems saleable to you, then market it to the world using the referral link they provide you.
Its a simple concept but some of these programs charge you a wholesome. Why? They basically have different ideas on marketing these products. Well, lucky you if you are reading this, as I'm gonna teach you ALL I know and some tips that'll make you make money online from you own efforts of thinking.
And that, is all for now. Stay tuned though, I'll be dropping alot of these hints to making money online easily soon.
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