Wednesday, December 19, 2007

EntreCard Sucks?

Ok this post is in response to the latest traffic trend , Entrecard. There has been rises in the traffic from Entrecard and like I mentioned in my previous post, A free traffic Goldmine, which tells of how EntreCard has helped to boost my traffic a little. Who says Entrecard sucks?

Like all things in the world, one can please not everyone. So as expected there are those that swore by not using such a service lest it dies soon enough, being a fad, and so on and so forth.

I just stumbled upon vic's blog of blogger unleashed and I must say, I respect him. Why? Because he has his own mindset and actually dares to be different. From what I have gathered, he seems to be a veteran in the internet world and veterans have the most experience. And by that, he gives his opinion of Entrecard and how it will die soon.

True even that everyone are entitled to their own opinion and I am just referring to his opinions and evaluating them and how Entrecard might suck and might not.

I will quote from his site :

Back in the early 90’s, when the first banner exchanges came out, not only did I jump in but I also started one and, in a given moment, I had over 50k users. At the time people where still amazed at the internet and something like an animated gif would make people’s jaw drop, makes me smile thinking if we could travel back in time and place a flash advertising on the same page. What would people think lol. Anyway, sorry my ADD, back then it was a new and good form of advertising. Then came Microsoft and took it to the next level. In less than 5 years the fad was gone and it was just not as effective. Now people would join an exchange but would not buy additional impressions because it was cost effective for free but not if you had to pay, so as the Microsoft banner exchange disappeared so did mine.

Its a pretty big quote, but simply to say, he mentions that banner exchange services have been around for a long time and they've risen and fallen but never maintained a regular traffic source.
That's a new information for me as Im rather new to the net so to speak and I have not experienced such trafffic systems. Lest, if this veteran is saying that EntreCard is dying, Im not arguing with him at all.

So why am I contradicting myself with my earlier post on how good EntreCard is? Well for me its really simple. This blog is not a monetized blog nor do I intend it to be. Thus, any traffic is good for me. Any traffic bursts are good bursts. Get where I am getting at? Hope you do because I am simply saying that although EntreCard might not last and that Entrecard sucks is the new fad, I am just riding on the fad bandwagon that can benefit the blog and me which in other words, increases my traffic.

No one can tell for sure how long a certain system would last but they can predict. Blogging zoom has been great too and though I have confidence in it lasting, like i said, one can never tell. Entrecard may suck for the veterans, but lets just ride the wave and absorb the traffic bursts for now. :)

This post is in reference to these 2 posts :
Entrecard sucks and there is no doubt
Entrecard another loser