Sunday, December 09, 2007

Make money online selling products - Overview

Ok I just realized that despite this being a blog about easy ways to make money online, there is barely much posts touching on that. So therefore, this post will touch specifically on that J

I’ve always believed making money was easy, be it online or offline. Its keeping it that is the difficult part. But anyways, here are some ways that I’m sure many of you know can make money online :

  1. Doing surveys / emails
  2. Selling a product
  3. Selling someone’s product
  4. Creating a site with traffic that can benefit advertisers

So basically that’s the main idea. This post henceforth would be touching on ways #2 and #3, ie. Selling products.

So first up, what do you sell? What are you supposed to sell? That’s where you have to first do research. Listed below are some steps that you are advised to go through to ensure a smooth marketing strategy.

  1. Research your market
  2. Know your target audience
  3. Research your competition
  4. Know your competition’s products
  5. Create a new product or find one that has sellable quality.

Go to the links given above to go through the lessons outlined. Remember that these tips are only useful if you are going to sell products to make money online.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog! Looks like you got some good info here, I'll be sure to stop back.

For your question on CPA networks being considered affiliate marketing. I think of affiliate networks as sharing profits with their publishers. If a merchant is willing to pay for every lead you send them regardless if it converts or not, you are still acting as an affiliate for them. You hook them up with leads by during internet marketing and they pay you. Just like if you sell a product and get % back in commission.

Alfian said...

Thanks for stopping by :) Anyway, yeah I guess its like I assume it to be. Being in close proximity to the systems of affiliate marketing. :)