Sunday, December 02, 2007

The One and Only SEO tip is..

Despite the plethora of information out on the web today, there remains a few hidden tricks and secrets behind most subjects and SEO, or search engine optimization is no exception. There is but only ONE main trick that EVERYONE interested in SEO should know of.

Some already do and are already implementing the trick in their timetable. Some know, but have no idea of how to implement it, while the rest probably dont know. (Though I doubt that there is anyone who is totally clueless :p)

So what is this one trick of seo then?

Well, its none other than personal testing.

Satisfied with the answer? Yes? No? Maybe?

Nevertheless, I shall explain to you why its very important or why its the only skill you should ever have for SEO.

As all of you would have known, SEO is optimizing your site so that it Googlebots are able to crawl it better and faster. Nowadays, its basically marketing. SEO = Marketing. Why? Because its the act of getting to the target audience ahead of your competitor with which to sell your products. BUT THAT, is a whole diferrent story and we shall dwelve into that.

Anyway, so lets start with some basic questions to answer :

Personal Testing for SEO

  1. What is personal testing for SEO?
  2. Why is personal testing so important for SEO?
  3. Why is personal testing the only thing important for SEO?
  4. Who is eligible to implement personal testing for SEO?
  5. When should one implement personal testing for SEO?
  6. How can personal testing be done for SEO?

PS : If you guys think I'm trying to optimize this post for the keyword "Personal Testing for SEO", I'm not. =.= Really.


  • Personal Testing is basically testing or using trial and error to find out what works and what doesnt for SEO. There are many tools available online, some free some not, but most of them are what they're worth.

  • Personal Testing is very important for SEO because very similar to the subject on weight loss, every site, or page is different. They very much so require a different strategy to being optimized for search engines. As much as every individual require a different weight loss strategy, the same goes for every site. Why is that so? Because every site has a different topic, niche that they cover and what strategy works for one site may not work for another. I'll explain in a moment why all these is happening.

  • Like I said at the start of the post, there is just too much information on the web. To make it worse, the web is evolving at too fast a pace for you to rely on the information on the web. Some of the information that are at the top spots for SEO are outdated and do not really apply in this age more or less in the future. Therfore, to ensure that you stay ahead of the pack, or at least with them, you have to do personal testing for your sites.

  • EVERYONE is eligible for personal testing for SEO. All you need is a shallow knowledge of what currently works and what doesnt.

  • EVERYONE should start implementing personal testing SEO before the site even goes live! Ok maybe not, but at the moment the site goes live. Its very important that you do that to ensure greater accuracy in your tests.

  • There are many ways that personal testing for SEO can be done, not to mention the tools available. I'll just mention the tools available for you guys' benefit :D. Basically, the core concept is as follows :
  1. Take what knowledge you have of the current SEO tactics and apply it to your site.
  2. Make sure its at least a fair amount of knowledge.
  3. Dont care whether they are reliable or not for now.
  4. Write down and track the progress of your site after applying tactic A (eg. your heading).
  5. Write down what works and what doesnt.
  6. Wait around 3 days before seeing whether a certain tactic works.
  7. Once you've found what works, go full force and optimize your site using those tactics.

  • The tools that you can use are :
  1. Google Analytics
  2. Google Website Optimizer
  3. SEO Elite
  4. A keyword research engine like WordTracker
  5. Keyword Elite
You can read up on how the softwares work at their respective sites. If you have any queries you can always drop me a mail.

You can read up on why all these is happening in another post of mine that will come soon. :P The post is getting long anyway. So thats it! For the Main SEO tip. ;)